Thursday, May 18, 2017 5:32 PM
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, May 18, 2017
CONTACT: Colin Tadlock (515) 661-1948
(DES MOINES) – This afternoon, Rep. Joel Fry (R-Osceola) issued the following statement regarding the Iowa Family Planning Program and reports that four Planned Parenthood clinics will close:
“During the legislative session, we provided more than $3.3 million to go towards women’s health and family planning services and moved to a state-administered program. There were no cuts to these programs and the same amount of funding remains available.
Due to the switch to a state-run program, funding and access to women’s health services will be more readily available to providers in rural areas rather than concentrated in Iowa’s largest cities. People will be able to receive these services in their local communities now instead of being forced to drive long distances.”
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