Are you tired of reading the news, knowing it’s been distorted, either by political propagandists or those who only serve as public relations firms for special interests diametrically opposed to your core values? Do you want to know what’s really going on in government and politics at the federal, state, and local levels?
Beginning immediately, you will find an honest, dependable, and unbiased coverage – the unvarnished truth – in Iowa government and politics here, at The Iowa Statesman.
Beginning that day, this website will become a treasure trove of news and commentary with a focus on Iowa government and politics at every level. This will be done by crowdsourcing the news through a combination of on-staff mobile journalists and strategically situated writers from all across Iowa.
This effort will be led by Editor and Co-Publisher Bob Eschliman, a 16-year journalism veteran who has spent almost his entire career covering Iowa government and politics at all levels. During that time, he has won nearly 70 awards from the Iowa Newspaper Association and the Associated Press Managing Editors.
Eschliman was a 2011 recipient of the Harrison “Skip” Weber Award for Investigative Journalism, the Iowa Newspaper Association’s equivalent to the Pulitzer Prize for in-depth reporting.
“In the course of my career, I’ve worked in nearly every corner of the state,” he said. “And in those travels, I can’t tell you how many people have told me how desperate they were to see a legitimate news organization covering government and politics as they apply to everyday Iowans.”
Wednesday, Dec. 17, the publishers of The Iowa Statesman announced the news organization’s upcoming launch, and began a crowdfunding campaign to help with the necessary infrastructure and to ensure operating capital during its first few months of operation. You can learn more about that fundraising effort at
To help get the crowdfunding campaign put together, Eschliman spoke about the goal of bringing “real, honest, fourth-estate – not fifth column – journalism to Iowa” with nationally syndicated radio host Steve Deace. The podcast of that conversation can be found by clicking here (go to Hour 2).
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