Sioux City’s Rev. Cary Gordon may have just published a book, but that hasn’t stopped the executive pastor of Cornerstone World Outreach, in Northwestern Iowa’s conservative stronghold, from rushing to make the book’s message free to the public in a series of professionally-developed animated videos.
The “5 Steps to a Political Epiphany” free presentation touts more solutions than commentary on the problems, and the narrator says the timing ahead of the 2016 presidential elections is for a very specific reason. Though focused upon Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, it will be released publicly by church groups in more than 21 states across America, Tuesday, March 24th at 12:00 CST across all social networking platforms.
“This movement puts the onus on the candidates, which is where the burden of proof always should have been. Rather than candidates and their proxies browbeating their base into submission and ‘guilting’ them into their votes, candidates moving through Iowa, in particular, must prove their values are more than a campaign slogan,” said Rev. Gordon. “Iowans have seen and heard it all before, and frankly, we are tired of ‘party first’ stump speeches. It’s high time for candidates to lower themselves from the stage long enough to hear from us as Americans who still believe in Americanism.”
Rev. Gordon says the uniqueness of this trumpet call is that it’s already sounding out from a nationwide network of pastors – pastors who demand Christians stop being a part of the problem. “Let’s be frank. Politics killed Jesus Christ, and religious leaders allowed it. Political parties spouting political correctness are killing the most innocent among us right now. Every election we demand our political parties ‘clean their own house,’ but they don’t, so we’ll clean it for them. No group of patriots can be more open to cleaning its own house than those who fear God over man.”
A frequent contributor to statewide and nationwide press interviews, Rev. Gordon says the “5 Steps” pulls no punches. “My critics may be giddy to know that the videos outline my personal sins, but if they keep watching they’ll be forced to examine their own and ask themselves which member of the genocidal yet ‘pragmatic’ Judenraete their political worldview may tend towards.”
The Iowa pastor made waves when he publicly challenged the IRS to sue his church for putting too much God into politics. Groups like the ACLU rallied others in desperate hopes the IRS would put the Sioux City pastor in his place. They never have. Now, the pastor who dares fear God more than man is just as open in sharing his motive for producing the political epiphany videos. “We live in an age where government has taken dominion over virtually every area of our lives, and that’s due in part to selfies and trivial videos taking over social media. The lesser of two evils has taken dominion for so long that calling someone a ‘purist’ or ‘fundamentalist’ is actually an insult. Imagine a political epiphany that led to voters politically elevating such people rather than killing them. Imagine social media users sharing that.”
Based on the book “a Storm a Message a Bottle: A Road Map to American Redemption”, a book endorsed by a host of influencers in several leading Christian denominations, the “5 Steps” says childish group-think produces childish political parties that require discipline and asks hard-hitting questions like: “What sin must a candidate commit before you will refuse to reward them with your vote?”
Says Rev. Gordon, “Political parties ignore that question like a child ignores the call to eat vegetables. But we’re adults. We’re asking the questions, presenting a political epiphany, and we believe those with the courage and humility to respond will purge neophytes and deceivers from the line-up before they become office-holders.”
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