‘Lt. Dan’ to Howard Dean: ‘You certainly have a right to make stupid blanket statements’

Gary SiniseBy The Iowa Statesman


Lt. Dan just gave it to a failed presidential candidate this week, with both barrels, as the old saying goes.

In an open letter to former New Hampshire Gov. Howard Dean, actor Gary Sinise defended the film “American Sniper” and those who go to see it. The letter was response to a statement Dean made, suggesting that those who flocked to see the blockbuster were “angry.”

“You certainly have a right to make stupid blanket statements, suggesting that all people who see this film are angry, but how is that helpful sir?” the celebrity wrote. “I will admit that perhaps somewhere among the masses of people who are going to see the film there may be a few that might have some anger or have been angry at some point in their lives, but, with all due respect, what the hell are you talking about?”