RPI State Central Committee to consider Planned Parenthood resolution

Baby 2By Bob Eschliman


At its next meeting, scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 19, the Republican Party of Iowa State Central Committee has on its agenda consideration of a resolution calling on Iowa Gov. Branstad and legislative Republicans to defund Planned Parenthood.

The draft resolution, created by SCC member David Chung, states:

Whereas, the Platform of the Republican Party of Iowa has consistently recognized the sanctity of human life and the personhood of the unborn, and

Whereas, recent information has indicated that Planed Parenthood may be illegally profiting from the sale of baby parts,

We, the Republican Party of Iowa, call upon Governor Branstad and the Republican caucuses in the Iowa House and Iowa Senate to remove all state funding from Planned Parenthood, including funding for non-abortion related services.

Several county central committees have adopted similar resolutions in recent weeks following the release of videos from the Center for Medical Progress that show Planned Parenthood profits from the sale of tissue and body parts “harvested” from aborted babies, and that it alters abortion procedures in order to protect the parts they plan to sell. These actions violate federal law.

CLICK HERE to read: “County GOP central committees call for defunding Planned Parenthood”
CLICK HERE to read: “Three more counties join call to defund Planned Parenthood”
CLICK HERE to read: “Pottawattamie County GOP calls for defunding Planned Parenthood”

Branstad has insisted there is no line item for direct funding to Planned Parenthood. And while that is true, the organization still receives funding for non-abortion services through federal block grants administered by the Iowa departments of public health and human services. The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics continue to perform abortion procedures, as well.

CLICK HERE to read: “Taxpayer-funded facility still performing taxpayer-paid abortions in Iowa”

A group of Republican legislators have requested Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller, a Democrat, investigate the actions of Planned Parenthood in Iowa. He responded that because the alleged actions do not violate Iowa law, he has no jurisdiction to investigate.

CLICK HERE to read: “Legislators call for Planned Parenthood investigation”
CLICK HERE to read: “More legislators sign on to investigate Planned Parenthood”

More recently, state Sen. David Johnson (R-Ocheyedan) called on Iowans to call their legislators and to call Branstad’s office and demand Planned Parenthood be defunded.