King introduces ‘Truth in Employment Act’ to curb union salting abuses

Steve King copyFrom Press Release


U.S. Rep. Steve King (R-IA 4) released the following statement after re-introducing H.R. 1746, the Truth in Employment Act of 2015. The legislation would protect employees and employers from harassment and disruptive actions by union “salts” who threaten jobs and business success.

“Every day, non-union businesses across America are targeted in various ways by Big Labor, and current law makes companies largely powerless to combat these attacks,” said King. “The Truth in Employment Act protects the integrity of the American workplace by ending the harmful labor practice known as ‘salting.’ ‘Salting’ is when professional union organizers and agents seek employment at competing non-union companies for the sole purpose of unionizing the company or to drum up frivolous accusations of ‘unfair labor practices.’ Eliminating this practice would protect American employers and employees and keep our small businesses thriving.”

“Salting” is a technique in which labor unions send professional union organizers out into the field to apply for jobs within a non-union firm. Once employed, the “salt” uses his position primarily to organize his fellow employees, to inflict non-union competitors with economic harm, or to achieve both ends. The “salt’s” primary motivation for employment is not to work on behalf of his employer, but to further the goals of the labor unions. Often, the “salt’s” activities give rise to frivolous lawsuits which the employing business must spend thousands of dollars defending.